1 MARCH 1913, page 3

Last Saturday The New Buildings Were Opened At Ruskin...

Oxford. Dr. Gilbert Slater, the Principal, said that the college authorities hoped henceforth to join hands with the organized workers of Oxford, and to get into closer touch......

An Important Official Statement On The Subject Of Leprosy...

its treatment was made at a recent meeting of the Metropolitan Asylums Board. The Greenwich Borough Council, it appears, have made leprosy a notifiable disease and asked the......

On Wednesday Mr. Cecil Chesterton, The Editor Of The New

Witness, appeared at Bow Street on a summons charging him with publishing a number of libels concerning Mr. Godfrey Isaacs. Mr. Muir, the counsel for the prosecution, in his......

On Thursday The Trial Of The Notorious Gang Of French

motor bandits was concluded in the early morning, the final hearing having lasted over twenty hours. Four of them were condemned to death, two to penal servitude for life, while......

We Deeply Regret To Record Another Disaster In The...

Two members of Dr. Mawson's expedition, Lieutenant B. E. S. Ninnis, of the Royal Fusiliers, and Dr. Mertz, a Swiss oceanographer, have lost their lives. Mr. Ninnis fell into a......

During The Week A Great Number Of Reports Have Sprung

up from various parte of the country as to airships being seen at night. These reports are too numerous, too vague, and mostly too foolish to be given in detail. That a foreign......

Bank Rate, 5 Per Cent., Changed From 4 Per Cent.

October 17th. Consols (2D were on Friday 7411—Friday week 74;1. Bank Rate, 5 per cent., changed from 4 per cent. October 17th. Consols (2D were on Friday 7411—Friday week 74;1.......

It Is With Very Great Regret That We Record The

sudden death of Sir William White, the distinguished naval architect and ex-Director of Naval Construction, which took place in London on Thursday as the result of a stroke.......