1 MARCH 1913, Page 25

The Panama Canal Conflict between Great Britain and the United

States of America. By L. Oppenheim, MA., LL.D. (Cambridge University Press. 2s. 6d. net.)—Professor Oppenheim, the distin- guished international jurist, sets out the arguments in the Panama Canal controversy with extreme clearness and meticulous impartiality. The conclusions which he reaches are entirely against Mr. Taft's contention, and he ends his study with a warm appeal to the United States to submit the question to arbitration before the Hague Tribunal.—Another side of the question may be studied in The Coastwise Exemption : The Nation Against It, which is a pamphlet issued from the offices of the Century Magazine (Union Square, New York). Here we see collected a great number of short expressions of opinion from eminent American citizens—journalists, ministers, University men, and the like—of which the overwhelming majority are in favour of repealing the offending provisions of the Panama Canal Act or of submitting them to arbitration. It is stated in an editorial note that only one in thirty of the opinions received supported the Act in its present form. This striking fact is of excellent augury for the successful solution of the difficulty.—We may at the same time refer to The 'Daily Mail' Chart of the Panama Canal ((eorge Philip and Son, ls. net), which contains an excellent bird's-eye view of the canal, as well as other subordinate maps and tebles.