1 MARCH 1913, Page 13


Sin,—As a Christian minister I was much interested in the article in the issue of February 22nd under the title " The Problem of the Godless Good." Is it not a fact that Jesus deliberately and daringly faced this very question in a parable recorded in Matthew's Gospel, chap. 25 ? It has been called " The parable of a great surprise "—"Lord, when saw we Thee?" &c. Surely it affords good grounds for believing that the " Godless Good " are more religious than they themselves think, certainly more so than religious people sometimes appear to imagine. At any rate, many of them have pene- trated the problem of existence deeply enough to discover that at centre and circumference it can be read only in terms of Love. Given that they are honest and not merely censorious in their professed irreligion, their lives are worship, and their destiny is to meet an unknown God and find Him to be Jesus. This seems to me to be the mind of the divine Man of Nazareth.