1 MARCH 1913, Page 15


[To THE EDITOR OP THE "STECTATOR."] SIR,—I beg to enclose the following statement for publication in the hope that you may be able to find room for its insertion —I am, Sir, &c., TRAVERS BUXTON. Denison House, Vauxhall Bridge Road, London, S.W.

"The Anti-Slavery and Aborigines Protection Society is now in a position to push forward a vigorous propaganda for the abolition of slavery in Portuguese West Africa. Considerable importance is attached to the resolution which will be moved at the Free Church Congress at Newcastle in March. This will be moved by the Rev. J. H. Harris and seconded by Mr. W. A. Cadbury. Arrangements are also being made by which it is hoped an early opportunity will be secured for debating this question in the House of Commons. Simultaneously with the movement in England another is being organized on the Conti- nent, in which Mrs. John H. Harris is co-operating with a number of well-known people in Switzerland by delivering lectures in different centres."