1 MARCH 1913, Page 17


[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,-14 to the present time the weather has been so mild; that it has not been found necessary to feed the birds in the, Brent Valley Bird Sanctuary, and therefore I have not yet made the appeal, which you as a rule kindly allow me to do, for funds to pay for food. We shall now, however, have to begin putting out coconuts, fat, and seeds, and should be very glad indeed of any contributions to our funds for this purpose. Incident- ally I might add that the cold snap will be welcomed by those who, though intending to put up nesting-boxes this year, have not yet done so, as the birds which are pairing will delay nesting operations until it is warmer.—I am, Sir, &c., 42 Bloomsbury Square, W.C. WILFRED MARK WEED,

Chairman of the Brent Valley. Bird Sanctuary Committee.