1 NOVEMBER 1879, Page 1


Fevening appeared a proclamation the Gazette of Wednesday farther proroguing Parliament from November lot, to which

it was prorogued in August, to Friday, December 19th, and -without .any intimation that the prorogation would be fol- lowed by a dissolution. Nevertheless, the rumours, which had been very active all the week, that an immediate dissolution might be expected, did not much abate ; and the Conservative Globe intimated on Thursday that the Daily News might prove to be premature in assuming that the design of an immediate dis- solution, if it had ever been entertained, had been dropped. The reason assigned for expecting it has been that the Liberals are supposed to have won greatly on the Registers, and that the new Registers do not take effect till next year, so that the elections, if they took place this year, would take place on the basis of the old Register. However, the best political authorities seem now to agree that no immediate dissolution is 'contemplated.