And At The Same Meeting, Sir Michael Hicks-beach, Though...
prudent about Free-trade, was at least as violent in his Toryism as Mr. Bright was in his Liberalism, when dealing with the subject of the Irish land. "When Mr. Bright," said.......
The Reply To The Liberal Demonstration At Manchester, On...
and Saturday, was a Conservative demonstration at Birmingham on Saturday and Monday, the grandees of which were Mr. Chaplin, M.P., and the Colonial Secretary, Sir Michael......
Barns And His Wife,sthe Defendant's In The Tranteere...
case, have been sentenced to penal servitude for life. We do not see why they were not sentenced to death, even if the penalty had been afterwards commuted. There can hardly be......
A. Rosenberg, The Publisher Of Town Talk, Was On Monday
sentenced to eighteen months' imprisonment for hie libel on Mrs. Langtry, Rix months for that on Mrs. Cornwallis West,. and six months for one on Lord Londesborough, who was......
Mr. Leathara Delivered On Tuesday, At Huddersfield, A...
very amusing, and exceedingly bitter speech. He gave the Government no quarter, declaring that it was "the flogger of the soldier, the surrenderer of the slave, and the......
Mr. Bright's Speech On Saturday Was Hardly Up To His
highest level. Full alike of eloquence and of conviction, it was in passages, for the speech of a passed Cabinet Minister, too violent and undiscriminating. When Lord Hartington......
That Mr. Bright Is Right As To The Necessity Of
further deal- ings with the land question, nothing can show better than the unimpeachable evidence referred to by Mr. Lefevre, in his short letter to last Saturday's Timm—the......
Lord Carington's Speech At Wycombe On Tuesday Shows That The
Land-laws cannot much longer be kept up. Lord . Carington is not a political Peer, has belonged rather to the "party of pleasure" among the aristocracy ; but he made a most......
A Great Many Statements Have Been Circulated This Week About
coming trouble in the Transvaal, but too much importance should not be given to the reports of Boer disaffection. A section of the Dutchmen in the Transvaal are undoubtedly......