1 NOVEMBER 1879, page 1

It May Prove That The Great Event Of The Week

has been General Roberts's proclamation to the Afghans. In this docu- ment, badly reported by Reuter, and not published by the India Office, the General, "by order of the vi......

General Hughes Is Not In A Good Position. A Correspondent

of the Times left him on the 21st tilt ; at Tazi, thirty miles from Khelat-i-Ghilzai, on the road to Ghuzni, expecting an attack from. the Tarikis, a sub-clan of the Ghilzais.......

The Liberal Demonstration At Manchester Yesterday Week...

was hold by one even of the newspapers which strongly support the Government, to indicate more enthusiasm than that which the Conservatives had got up there in the pre- vious......

Mr. Bright's Speech On Saturday Was Hardly Up To His

highest level. Full alike of eloquence and of conviction, it was in passages, for the speech of a passed Cabinet Minister, too violent and undiscriminating. When Lord Hartington......

News Of The Week.

Fevening appeared a proclamation the Gazette of Wednesday farther proroguing Parliament from November lot, to which it was prorogued in August, to Friday, December 19th, and......

The Editors Cannot Undertaketo Retwrnmanuscript In Any Case.


In His First Speech Lord Hartington Followed Lord...

over the track of his apology for the foreign policy of the Government, meeting him in a fashion of which we have given our readers sonic account in another page ; and he summed......