1 NOVEMBER 1879, page 14

Canon Farrar's "life Op St. Paul."

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPEOTATOEn SIE,—In your somewhat one-sided and. inappreciative review of Canon Farrar's "Life of St. Paul," you as k, "What is the objective value of the......

The Bishop Of Peterborough And The Ornaments Rubric.

(TO THE EDITOR OF THU "SPECTATOR.') Sin,—Permit me to correct one word only in the report of my observations on the Ornaments Rubric which you quote in this day's Spectator. It......

Military Courage. [to The Editor Of The " Spectatoe."1

SIn,—The following passages are extracted from Marshal Mar- mont's well-known work, " L'Esprit de e Institutions Militaires." They will be found in the second chapter of Part......

Materialistic Evolution. Ere The 'eamon Op Ter Spectator.")

STR,—May a very humble and very puzzle-pated seeker after. truth lay before the present-day Materialistic leaders of thought a difficulty that has haunted him for some time ? I......