1 NOVEMBER 1879, page 3

Lord Justice Bramwell Has Written An Elaborate Letter To Mr.

Henry Crompton exposing the fallacy of the idea that dimin- ished production would increase wages. And of oourse be finds it a very easy fallacy to expose. But does any one hold......

At The Winchester Diocesan Conference On -wednesday, Lord...

proposing a resolution that it was desirable to promote by every means at our disposal the efficiency of preach- ing in the Established Church, commented on the history of the......

Sir Henry James Addressed His Constituents At Taunton On...

in one of his most graceful, and also most powerful, speeches,—a speech at once mellifluous and keen, at once persuasive and aggressive. He showed that the Government Allege......

Mr. Leathara Delivered On Tuesday, At Huddersfield, A...

very amusing, and exceedingly bitter speech. He gave the Government no quarter, declaring that it was "the flogger of the soldier, the surrenderer of the slave, and the......

We Regret To Notice The Death Of Mr. John Blackwood,

senior partner in the publishing house, and for thirty-three years editor of Blaawood's Magazine. Though not himself a man of literature, Mr. Blackwood had a fine sense of what......

Sir John Holker Is A Curious Contrast To Sir Henry

James in the manner as well as in the matter of his oratory. A. lawyer of undoubted ability, and one of that class of Conservatives who have a sort of pleasure in brow-beating......

The Times' Correspondent In Parie Published On Wednesday...

and rather hysterical prophecy as to a coining change in the French Ministry. He believes M. Waddington and the Cabinet about to fall, for no reason but that they have held......

Consols Were Oa Friday 97/ To 97f.
