1 NOVEMBER 1879, Page 21

The Bible for Young People. By Dr. H. Oort and

Dr. J. Hooykaas, with the assistance of Dr- A. Kuenen. Translated from the Dutch, by Philip H. Wicksteed, M.A. (Williams and Norgate.)—This is the sixth volume of the work, and contains the "Narratives of the New Testament," Part II. It is hardly necessary to say, to those who have made the acquaintance of the earlier volumes, that a more utter misnomer than the title which has been given to lie book could hardly be. One who knows the New Testament we ad has some

acquaintance with the controversies that have raged , are raging

about it, and some pretension to form a judgment for h If, might

read the book with advantage. But anything more inai ^iate to put into the hands of" young people" cannot be conceiv 'ming

people need to be edified by what they road ; and wha This

book may be, it is not edifying.