1 NOVEMBER 1879, Page 22

A Hero of the Pen. By E. Werner. From the

German, by Sarah Phillips. 2 vols. (S. Low and Co.)—The main interest of this story is of a distasteful kind, and though not nnfreqnently made use of by Continental novelists, is certainly repulsive to English readers. The heroine, an American young lady of great wealth and beauty, goes to Germany, by her father's last commands, to search for a long- lost brother. She falls in love, after a very queer and wrong-headed fashion, with a certain German professor, and then is tormented by a dreadful doubt whether this professor is not the long-lost brother. We do not consider this to be a proper subject for art. The char- acters are, for the most part, conventional and unattrective,but there is some genuine pathos, when the true brother is found at inst.