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Sra,—I ask you of your kindness to publish our appeal for books to be used by the sick and wounded in all English hospitals in Great Britain and France, which have been supplied by us since the beginning of the war in August. We are in danger of attrition through confusion in the public mind between ourselves (the War Library, Surrey House, Marble Arch, London) and that known as the Camps Library. There is ample use for both libraries, as our spheres of usefulness are entirely different, and we work together in perfect harmony. Wo supply the sick, they supply the strong.
In view of the large preparations made by the War Office for wounded in the near future, we appeal most urgently for books and magazines to be sent to the War Library, Surrey House, Marble Arch, London, for it is to us that the hospitals and convalescent homes will look for a sufficient and suitable supply of literature. We ask the public, the publishers, the booksellers, so noble in their gifts to tts in the past, not to forget the wounded and suffering soldiers in the future. We would like to remind the public that the Director-General, Army Medical Service, wrote on August 18th " We shall be only too glad officially to recognize the generous efforts which you are prepared to make in collecting and supplying literature for the hospitals." All books should be sent carriage paid.—I am, Sir, ho., THE SECRETARY. War Library, Surrey House, Marble Arch.