1 . 1 . 0 F. Eamon Or Sas "srxmaxos."1 Sra,—i Have Read With
very much regret your article in last week's Spectator on " Prohibition in Scotland during the War." You seem to have departed from your usual judicial attitude, and to have......
War And Waste.
[To ens Enron or Me "Seacmoa...] Stn,—If our food supplies is becoming a serious question, and it is, and if economy is to be practised and waste deprecated in every direction,......
High Prices And Quack Remedies. (to Vas Minos Or Rim
"Brno-mm.1 Sin,—Your article on "High Prices and Quack Remedies" (Spectator, February 6th) recalled Burke's essay, "Thoughts and Details on Scarcity." It merits attention. His......
Inoculation—a Splendid Record.
I To vs. Roma or vas “tirscrovon."1 SIR,—I have no wish to refer to the controversial aspects of inoculation, but I desire to lay before you and your readers some facts as to......
(to 21011 Editor Or Ran "srecr.aos..1 Sir,—i Have Been A
constant reader of your paper ever since I could afford to buy a sixpenny paper, which is now some- thing like forty years. I have always been much impressed by your treatment......
Compulsory Inoculation,
[To PPP Enema on ran "srveraroa"] Sin,—Reading your article in last week's issue on " Compul- Bury Inoculation " calls to mind a remark I heard a week ago from a young officer......