20 FEBRUARY 1915, page 13
1 . 1 . 0 F. Eamon Or Sas "srxmaxos."1 Sra,—i Have Read With
very much regret your article in last week's Spectator on " Prohibition in Scotland during the War." You seem to have departed from your usual judicial attitude, and to have......
[to The Eorros Or Use Spectator...1 Sin,—with Regard To Your
interesting article in the last number of the Spectator dealing with prohibition in Scotland during the war, your proposal to have entire prohibition raises a difficult......
Prohibition In Scotland During The War.
[To sea EtO708 or me "Srrer.tros.1 Sra,—The thanks of every one who cares anything for his country are due to you for your outspoken and timely article on this subject in your......