The Red Cross Societies Of The Slav Countries, [to The
EDITOR Or TES “Srscrares.'] Sts,—May I draw the attention of readers of the Spectator to the fact that Mr. Arthur Pollen is to lecture on "The Nary and the War" for the benefit......
Suggestions Of Religious Rev/val.
[To tea EDITOR. O. TM "Errcra5o5., SIR,—The well-informed writer of your contributed article in the issue of February 6th evidently feels that the real interest of the subject......
The War Library. .
[To vas Eorroa or cue .Succreroa."] Sra, — I ask you of your kindness to publish our appeal for books to be used by the sick and wounded in all English hospitals in Great......
"sweetness And Light."
[To TES EDITOR or TH. " SPECTATOR:] Sin,—In your review of Bartlett's Familiar Quotations (Spec- tator, February 13th) you ask whether moat people know that it was Swift, not......
The Central Association Of Volunteer Training Corps.
PRESIDENT LORD DESBOROUG [I. Hoer. Ssessrear PERCY A. HARRIS, Esq. HEAD OFFICES: Judges' Quadrangle, Royal Courts of Justice (Carey Street entrance). The aims and objects of......
Soldiers And Venereal Diseases.
[To THE EDITOR. or TIM "SPECTATOR....1 Ste,—Shortly after the outbreak of the war the Liverpool Medical Institution prepared pamphlets, suitable for young soldiers, written in......
ANITA GARIBALDI. [Anita, wife of the "Sword of Italy," wont with him, dressed as a man, when ho and the remains of his army were pursued by the Austrians in Ism. She died as the......
The "spectator" Home Guards Fund.
SUBSCRIPTIONS for this Fund should be sent to the Spectator Office, or direct to Messrs. Barclay and Co., Goslings' Branch, 19 Fleet Street, London, E.C. Cheques should be made......