Most Books Dealing With Physical Geography Are Intended...
use, and are consequently of a very elementary character. Physical Geography, by Philip Lake (Cambridge University Press, 7s. 13d. net), is intended, however, for more advanced......
An Interesting Study Of The Prairie Provinces Of Canada Is
given by Mr. E. B. Mitchell in his volume on Western Canada before the War (John Murray, 5s. net). The first half of his book is of a descriptive character, while the second is......
Mr. S. C. Hill Has Published A Readable Biography Of
Yusuf Khan (Longmans and Co.,10s. 6d. net), whom Sir John Malcolm described as "the bravest and ablest of all the native soldiers that ever served the English in India," and who......
Mira-messrs. Stanford Have Sent Us Their War Map No.10,...
covers the ground of the campaign in the Caucasus on a scale of about sixteen miles to the inch.-From Messrs. Bartholomew we have received a map of Egypt (Is. net) on about the......
Some Books Of The Week.
[Notice in this column does not necessarily preclude subsequent rrrisio.1 The last two volumes have now been published of The Collected Works of William Morris (Longmans and......
.a. Welcome Volume Of Selections From The Federalist...
Milford for the Harvard University Press, 4s. 6d. net) has been put together by Professor W. B. Munro. This famous aeries of newspaper letters, written by Hamilton, Madison, and......
An Interesting Bypath Of History Has Been Explored In...
of France, by E. Alaxtone Graham (Methuen and Co., 6s. net), which deals with the families of the Royal - Valois and Bourbons, ending with the tragedy of the Temple in Revolu-......
"efficiency," On The Other Side Of The Atlantic, Is Treated
as a subject for systematic and scientific investigation. The following paragraph, for instance, is from a chapter upon "Rhythm" in Fundamental Sources of Efficiency, by......
Haw Editions -a Second Edition Has Been Published Of Nathan
Hale, 1776, by Henry Phelps Johnston (Humphrey Milford for the Yale University Press, 10s. 6d. net). It contains a considerable amount of new material connected with Hale's life......
Boma; Or Reference.-we Have Received The Current Issue Of...
useful compilation, Debrett's House of Commons and the Judicial Bench (Dean and Son, 7s. 6d. net).- Another book covering similar ground, but issued in a handier form, is the......