The History and Use of Creeds and Anathemas in the
Early Centuries of the Church. By Cuthbert Hamilton Turner, (S.P.C.K. 2s.)—This is published under the auspices of "The Church Historical Society," but with a caveat against responsi- bility for the author's opinions. The substance of Mr. Turner's contention is briefly this : that the Nicene Creed, as-fortified with the anathema attached to it, was "a touchstone of episcopal orthodoxy " ; that the Athanasian Creed, which is attributed to Caesarius of Arles, is rather to be classed with anthems and the like parts of worship, and that its present use in the Anglican Church, where it is, so to speak, imposed upon the laity, is a. mistake. The pamphlet should be carefully studied by all interested in the subject.