Golf Greens And Green - Keeping. Edited By Horace G....
(Country Life Office. 10s. 6d.)—Mr. Horace Hutchinson, who ranks very high as both an "arm-chair" and an " open-air " exponent of golf, here edits, and furnishes with an......
We Have Received A New Edition (the Seventh Impression) Of
The Life and Letters of Mandell Creighton, by his Wife (Longmans and Co., 10s. 6d. net), being an unabridged reprint in two volumes of the original edition, with two of the......
Text - Book Of Fungi. By George Masse°. (duckworth And...
The present volume," we are informed, "is arranged as a text-book for educational use, and it is written on the lines required by the Board of Agriculture." In the main, of......
American Character. By Brander Matthews. (t. B. Crowell...
New York.)—A French critic, talking with Tolstoy, declared that the American people cared only for money, was indifferent to art and beauty, and was now setting out on a career......
The Art Crafts For Beginners. By Frank G. Sanford. Edited
and Revised by Arthur F. Phillips. (Hutchinson and Co. 3s. 6d.) —This is a book of practical directions for those who have a feeling and desire for doing artistic work, but find......
The Uppinghant Moo' Roll : Third Issue, 1824 - 1905. (e....
8s. 6d. net.)—This volume contains the edition of 4804, revised, the supplement giving the years 1894-98, revised, and new matter to the end of 1905. 'Lists of the Head-Masters,......