20 OCTOBER 1906, page 1

We Do Not Doubt That The French Government, Whose Intentions

arc essentially pacific, will do their best to keep matters quiet on the frontier; but if they are actually attacked it is hardly possible that they will be able to stand on the......

M. Clemenceau, The Minister Of The Interior, And, If Rumours

are true, soon to be the Premier owing to the impending resig- nation of M. Sarrien, while speaking at a banquet in his honour at Hyeres on Wednesday was interrupted by one of......

News Of The Week.

T HE news from Morocco this week is of a distinctly dis- quieting nature. On Tuesday a despatch was published in Paris from General Lyautey, the commander of the French troops......

Il De Lanessan, Ex-minister Of Marine And Formerly...

Indo-China; and a high authority on Colonial matters, states that General Lyautey is in no sense a bellicose soldier, but a man essentially sagacious and moderate. He is also......

The Times Correspondent At Peking Sends A Remarkable...

the attitude of Yuan-Sliih-Kai, the Viceroy of Chi-li, in regard to the Conferences now being held on the Constitution. Yuan-Shih-Kai, who controls the only effective army in......

It Is With Deep Regret That We Record The Loss

on Tuesday of the French submarine Lubin' in the waters of Bizerta, at a point two miles from the coast. AU that is accurately known is that the ill-starred vessel dis- appeared......

* * Ii The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript,...
