The Mohammedans Of India And British Rule.
[To THE EDITOR OF THZ "SPECTATOR."] Sra,—Your reference in your issue of August 18th to the Nawab, the honorary secretary of the Mohammedan College at Aligarh, reminds me of an......
African Languages.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sra,—The importance of language in relation to political and social aspects of the native question in Africa seems liable to be overlooked.......
The Spoilt Child Of The Law.
[To THZ EDITOR OF THE "SPIICTATOR.".1 SIR,—I have read with interest and with no little amusement your article on October 6th, and the two letters which followed it on October......
The Malone Society.
[To THE EDITOR OF TRH " SPECTATOR.") SIR,—It is possible that some of your readers may be interested in the Malone Society, which has been founded for the purpose of making......
The Party System And A Second Ballot,
[To Tall EDITOR Ow Till " SPRCTATOR."] observe that you regard with some favour the proposal to institute a second ballot; but I venture to hope that you will reconsider the......