Minvale. By Onus Agnus. (hodder And Stoughton. Cs.)...
Orme Agnus" is as much at home in writing of a strike of North Country operatives as of the politics of a small village, the peculiar charm of his earlier books was largely due......
THE VIPER OF MILAN.* IT is an open secret that the author of The Viper of Milan, an historical romance having Gian Galeazzo Visconti for its central figure, is the work of a......
Gossips Green. By Mrs. Henry Dudeney. (cassell And Co....
is extremely difficult for any reader to be interested in a heroine who is apparently in love with two people at once. Mrs. Dudeney, however, seems to think this quite a......
The Tea-planter. By F. E. Penny. (chatto And Windus. 6s.)
—This is a story of Ceylon, and although the doings of the English people are a little commonplace, it is worth reading for the sake of the pleasant picture of the island. The......
C Urrent Literature.
MODERN ROME IN MODERN ENGLAND. Modern Rome in Modern England. By Philip Sidney. (R.T.S. 5s.)—The first chapter relates the story of the Roman Church in England up to the time of......