Golf Greens and Green - Keeping. Edited by Horace G. Hutchin- son.
(Country Life Office. 10s. 6d.)—Mr. Horace Hutchinson, who ranks very high as both an "arm-chair" and an " open-air " exponent of golf, here edits, and furnishes with an introduction and two special essays of his own, a number of papers dealing with what we may call the field of action of the game. "The Formation of Turf," by Gilbert Beale (of Messrs. Carter), rightly heads the list. Then varieties of lozality and soil are separately treated, the seaside and the inland links, heavy soil and light, &c. The laying out of a course, the formation and placing of hazards,
are dealt with. Actual courses are described. The book should be a valuable help to the economics of the game.