The Uppinghant Moo' Roll : Third Issue, 1824 - 1905. (E. Stanford.
8s. 6d. net.)—This volume contains the edition of 4804, revised, the supplement giving the years 1894-98, revised, and new matter to the end of 1905. 'Lists of the Head-Masters, Ushers, and Assistant-Masters are prefixed. =It .should :be ex- iplained that the regular roll of entries begins in -1824. Of .the
preceding period, beginning with 1584, only between forty and fifty names remain. Edward Thring's reign began in September, 1853, and lasted till 1887. These thirty-four years occupy two hundred and fifteen pages ; it is satisfactory to see that the eighteen years of his successor fill a hundred and forty-seven. Thring's first year brought 14 entries, his last 89; his successor's first 94, and 1905 118. These figures are eminently satisfactory.