The annual paper on the National Debt contains figures which
show that we have entered on an era of vast exoendi• tare as well as vast prosperity:—
National Debt
284 25
Army and Navy
271 ... 33
Civil Services 154 ... 174 Customs and Inland Revenue 24 ...
Out of Local Taxation Revenue
— 74
1881-2. 1881-2. 1801.2.
Millions. Nilson. W110119.
224 ... 60
... 244
... 3f
... 94
74 864 1191
Of course, these figures are quoted as proofs of " Tory
wastefulness " ; but though there is plenty of waste, the main causes of new expenditure are the reluctance to provide for war in peace time, and the incessant pressure on the State to undertake new services for the people. We all want "high civilisation," and high civilisation is very costly. The differ- ence between a healthy house and an unhealthy house is unspeakable; but so is the difference in plumbers' bills, drainage rates, and the cost of supervision.