- The Hole In The Walls
MR. ARTHUR MORRISON returns in The Hole in the Wall to that field of fiction in which he can claim the distinction of having been something like a pioneer. He returns, however,......
Anna Of The Fire Towns. By Arnold Bennett. (chatto And
Windus. 6s.)—Here, too, we have tragedy, but it does not seem to us quite genuine. Anna (the "Five Towns" are the Pottery towns) finds herself on her twenty-first birthday a......
The Founding Of Fortunes. By Jane Barlow. (methuen And Co.
Gs.)—Our distrust of the Irish novel as a source of enter- tainment—we admit there are notable exceptions—has again proved well founded. The "founder of a fortune" is a certain.......
C Urrent Literat Ure.
THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. The Credibility of the Bock of the Acts of the Apostles By H. F. Chase. (Macmillan and Co. 6s.)—In these lectures Dr. Chase puts before his readers the......
Olivia's Summer. By Mary E. Mann. (methuen And Co. Cs.)
—This is a genuine tragedy—whether in place or not is another matter—but certainly genuine. Everything arises in a quite natural way. That Robert's distant adoration of the......
[*** Ereatcm.—in Tho Review Of Mr. Herbert Paul's Book On
Matthew Arnold in our last issue the words " fourth essay on criticism" were inadvertently used for "first essay on criticism."]......