20 SEPTEMBER 1902, page 15
[to The Editor Op The "spectator. "] Sm,—i Have Read With
much interest the letters which have a ppeared under the above heading in the Spectator. May I point out one fact which seems to have been overlooked by your correspondents?......
The Destruction Of Ancient Bridges.
[TO TUE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR. "] Sin,—The two letters which appeared in the Spectator of September 6th call for some reply from this Society. I shall be greatly indebted to......
A Bayard From Bengal. [to The Editor Or The "
SPECT■TOR."1 Anstey in his latest book, "A Bayard from Bengal," has followed what is now a somewhat old and, I should think, worn tradition in poking fun at my fellow-......