The Empire's Greeting. Edited By The Very Rev. D. Macleod.
(Isbister and Co. 2s. 8d. net.)—We noticed some weeks ago a portion of the verse published in this volume,—i.e., the poems to which the prizes were adjudged, and some others......
C Urrent Literat Ure.
THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. The Credibility of the Bock of the Acts of the Apostles By H. F. Chase. (Macmillan and Co. 6s.)—In these lectures Dr. Chase puts before his readers the......
John Bull" Seem To Us To Give A Very Reasonable
and moderate statement of the case of Boer v. Briton. The writer describes himself as "a British Colonist who has passed all his working life under a South African sky, and who......
Co - Operative Congress, 1902. (co-operative Union,...
of the Congress held at Exeter in May last. The proceedings, speeches, &c., are given, and various statistics in which the extent of Co-operative work is set forth.—From the......
Some Books Of The Week.
(Tinder this heading ire unties such Books of the week as have not been reserved for review in other forms.] Kentucky Poems. By Madison Cawein. With an Introduction by Edmund......
Professor Harnack And His Oxford Critics. By Thomas...
(Williams and Norgate. ls. 6d.)—This essay defends Professor Harnack's books from the adverse criticism of some English theologians in a somewhat controversial spirit. Mr.......
Seen In Germany. By Ray Stannard Baker. (harper And...
5s.)—Mr. Baker comes from the United States, and his observations of German affairs, taken as they are from a standpoint different from ours, are more tins usually interesting.......