The Poverty Of The Clergy.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPEOTATOR." . I SIR,—In the many able letters which have lately appeared in your columns on this subject, one great and obvious cause of the clerical......
Letters To The Editor.
THE LONDON SCHOOL BOARD'S DEFIANCE OF THE LAW. [To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR:I Srit,—Will you allow me to enter a protest against an expres- sion contained in your article......
The Country And The Education Bill.
[TO THE EDITOR 01 , THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Will you permit me, as a Nonconformist layman, and one who regards the Spectator as almost a necessity of life, to express my regret......
[to The Editor Of The "sfecrator."1 Sir,—is Not The...
of the laity to come forward and endow the Church efficiently due to the assumption by the clergy of a superior position in the divine economy? The High Church clergy and......