The Terrible' cruiser arrived in Plymouth Sound on Tuesday afternoon,
proceeding on Thursday to Portsmouth to pay off. The record of the historic commission now closed is one unequalled in modern naval history. Detained at the Cape on his way out to the China Station in 1899, Captain Percy Scott, C.B., devised the carriages which enabled six naval guns to be put into Ladysmith with the Powerful' Brigade, while the Terrible' Brigade took part in all the engagements of General Buller's campaign, and were largely responsible for the ultimate triumph at Pieter's HilL On March 11th, 1900, the Terrible' Brigade rejoined their ship under orders for China, where detachments of the crew took part in the fighting at Tientsin and in the relief of the Pekin Legation. In addition to this, the Terrible' holds the coaling record, and until very recently held the shooting record. No officer in his Majesty's Navy has set a higher standard of efficiency than Captain Percy Scott, and no ship's company have responded more splendidly to the calls on their courage and endurance than the gallant fellows who are to be enter- tained at Portsmouth next Tuesday.