Herr Hitler, the leader of the Fascists, as we learn
from the Times correspondent, is an Austrian citizen, and is forty-one years old. Earlier in life he earned his living as a builder's labourer in Vienna, and it is said that it was in Vienna that he developed his very disagreeable anti-Semitism. Afterwards he became an architect's draughtsman in Munich. He served in the War, was wounded and gassed, and emerged from hospital a violent enemy of the new German Constitution. His name is WC!l remembered in connexion with the first "March on Berlin" which she planned in November, 1928. He had turned the small German Workers' Party of Munich into the nucleus of his present political organization, and with several of his companions, all armed, he presented himself before the Bavarian Dictator, Herr von Kahr, and forced him to agree to the proclama- tion of a National Government. The next day, sup- ported by General Ludendorff, he marched into Munich with a much larger force on his way, as he said, to Berlin. But by this time the Dictator Was ready for him and broke up the movement. General Ludendorff was wounded ; Herr Hitler escaped, but was afterwards arrested and imprisoned for a short time.
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