20 SEPTEMBER 1930, page 28

A Generation Ago The Late Robert Proctor, Single-handed,...

index to the fifteenth-century books in the British Museum and Bodleian, classified under printers and founts of type. That work is now being partly superseded by the......

The Queen's Bays, The Second Dragoon Guards, Started Life As

the Third Regiment of Horse during Monmouth's rebellion in 1085, when its privates received the surprising pay of Is. 6d. a day, and the chaplain £30 a year more than the......

Further Light Is Thrown By Sir Richard Lodge On George

Irs Minister, the Duke of Newcastle, in the Private Correspondence of Chesterfield and Newcastle, 1744-6 (Royal Historical Society). It confirms Sir Richard's view, as set forth......

Messrs. Jonathan's Cape's Illustrated Edition Of Mary...

was a beautiful thing : that of Gone to Earth, at 7s. 0d., with a preface by Mr. John Buchan and woodcuts by Mr. Norman Ilepple, is no less distinguished. " Mary Webb need fear......

More Books Of The Week

(Continued from page 885.) Three Men in a Boat has much to answer for. Whenever any three people combine to do anything in anything, be it (as in this ease) a collapsible rubber......

Anyone Who Is Still Dubious About The Causes Which Led

to the fall of the Tsardom should read The Ochrana, Memoirs of the Last Tsarist Chief of Police (Herren, 15s). Nothing could illustrate more clearly the fatuity, the......

The University Of London Press Have Issued, In A...

edition, a collection of Talcs of The Sea which will make a welcome addition to many juvenile libraries. It includes such things as Poe's "Descent into the Maelstrom," and an......

The Period 1548-1687, "the Age Of The Great Renewal," As

Bacon called those times, is the subject of the first volume of an evidently projected series of four, by Professor Preserved Smith, Hon. Litt. D. Amherst, Professor of History......

Answers To Questions On General Zoology 1. The...

which may reach a length of ninety-flve feet, and a weight of one hundred and forty-seven tons. —2. Coral reefs.-3. The spiny ant.eater of Australia and Tasmania.-4. The......

Ii. M. L's Notebook (the Bodley Head, 75. 6d.) Is

a con- tinuation of Mr. E. M. Sneyd-Kynnersley's previous volume of reminiscences. The life of an inspector of schools is con- ducive to the collection of good stories, and......