20 SEPTEMBER 1930, Page 28

Answers to Questions on General Zoology 1. The sulphur-bottom whale,

which may reach a length of ninety-flve feet, and a weight of one hundred and forty-seven tons. —2. Coral reefs.-3. The spiny ant.eater of Australia and Tasmania.-4. The mouth-parts of the common sea-urchin.- 5. The lancelet, occurring in the English Channel, North Sea and the Mediterranean.-6.-The elephant : the largest tusk recorded is that of an African elephant, and weighed two hundred and thirty-nine pounds.-7. The stormy petrel.-8. The sterile female of two-sexed twins in cattle.--9- The flea, whose maxim:nil :vertical leap, determined experimentally, is seven and three-quarter Inches.-10. The lampreys and hag-fishes, which have auctorial .mouths.-11. Elephants and the greater whales.-12. The humming A mass . of gelatinous fat representing nouriahment Stated agairuit tirtes of acarcity': the organ is entirely

superficial and leaves no impression upon the skeleton. _ . _ - .