The Berlin Correspondent Of The News-chronicle Says That...
programme includes' the formation of a compact National State from which all non-Germans ' — especially Jews, of course—would " be'exPaled : the repeal of the Peace Treaties the......
Mr. Bennett Admitted That The Lancashire Spinners Had...
to satisfy the regulations which require British goods entering Canada under the Preferential tariff to have a 50 per cent. British content. Henceforth the content demanded will......
The League Assembly
The main events in the League Assembly have been dealt with elsewhere in this issue. On Wednesday, September 10, M. Titulescu of Rumania was elected as the new President. On......
We Have Noted That The Manchester Guardian Quotes Mr. Sastri
as using the term "responsible Government." In this connexion we read with much interest some remarks by Mr. J. A. Spender in the News-Chronicle of Tuesday. He was writing about......
The Speech Has Attracted Too Little Notice In London. We
read in the Manchester Guardian that Mr. Sastri and his friends demand "responsible Government" at the Centre and in the Provincial Legislatures, though the departments of......
* * * *
India The names of those who were appointed at the end of last week to represent the manifold interests—except, of course, the all-India Congress—of British India and the Native......
The New Canadian Tariff On Tuesday Mr. Bennett, The Prime
Minister, intro- duced the highest tariff ever known in Canada.- According to the Times he explained his measure as being not a general tariff revision bUt a series of changes......