20 SEPTEMBER 1930, page 15

One Of The Best Things Ever Said Of Birds Is

that "they could be much cleverer if they wanted to." Their senses (which include some "sixth sense" at which we cannot so much as guess) are so acute, their vivacity so high......

Roadside Markets.

The wail about depressed prices has its full justification. Nevertheless, great progress has been made and is being made in the marketing of British produce. Every traveller by......

Biferocs Roses.

One of the features of this September is the great profusion of roses flowering for the third or even fourth time. And the blooms are in many gardens suggestive of July at its......

This Is A Melancholy Tale ; For The Producer Is

punished and the consumer is given a less delectable fare. Fruit preparations, and skimmed milk in tins are both examples, More than this : it is within my knowledge that some......

"bun Variation."

Among the plum trees that have borne the bumper crop, which, after all, is the chief cause of the collapse in price, is a variety of peculiar interest botanically. It originated......

A Co-operative Enterprise.

It was refreshing in the midst of the Worcestershire fruit. growing country to come upon a flourishing co-operative association of fruit-growers and cheek by jowl with it a......

A Quality In Which Birds Excel Mammals Is Their Ear

for music. Though bird's song has little relation with human music some few birds can actually sing true intervals, and almost all are in some measure mimes. Much the quickest......

Country Life

ENGLISH Faure I spent some time last week in visiting various farms in the fruit districts, especially of Evesham and Pershore, partly to investigate the truth of the cry : "We......