20 SEPTEMBER 1930, page 34

Ma Devalued Franc.

If only in view of the fact that France is now reckoned to be among the richest and most prosperous of all countries, enjoying, moreover, the maximum amount of employment, it is......

Financial Notes

DELLER MARKETS. As I anticipated, markets after their vigorous spurt of some three weeks ago are relapsing into conditions of inaction with a rather dull tendency. Very curious......

"rwint Lombard Street And Cornhill.

I have received from the Deputy Chairman of Lloyds Bank an illustrated souvenir of that institution which has been prepared by members of the staff of the Bank to celebrate the......

In View Of The World-wide Trade Depression, The Directors...

shareholders of the Yokohama Specie Bank can be congratu- lated upon the results for the past half year. The statement presented to shareholders at the Meeting recently held in......

British Government Securities Have On The Whole Held...

moderately well, though at the moment of writing a slightly duller tendency is apparent owing to the adverse movements in the Foreign Exchanges and the continued foreign demands......