20 SEPTEMBER 1930, Page 34

In view of the world-wide trade depression, the directors and

shareholders of the Yokohama Specie Bank can be congratu- lated upon the results for the past half year. The statement presented to shareholders at the Meeting recently held in Japan showed that the net profit, including 6,232,000 yen brought forward from the preceding half year, was 13,354,000 yen, being a decrease of a little under 2,000,000 yen. The dividend, however, Is maintained at the old rate of 10 per cent. per annum, while the directors are again able to add 2,000,000 yen to the Reserve, carrying forward 6,354,000 yen, which is an increase compared with a year ago. Moreover, the Reserve stands at the high figure of 113,500,000 yen.

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