20 SEPTEMBER 1930, Page 34


I have received from the Deputy Chairman of Lloyds Bank an illustrated souvenir of that institution which has been prepared by members of the staff of the Bank to celebrate the opening of the new head office premises in Lombard Street and Cornhill. It is a production which will delight all lovers of art and all who are interested in the traditions of our ancient City. The work is so admirably illustrated and the letterpress is so graphically written that after reading it, even the prosaic City man as he walks past the new building of Lloyds Bank running through from Lombard Street to Cornhill, begins to conjure up romantic history attaching to the site on which those premises stand and a vision arises of the period when the thoroughfare now known as Walbrook was a real brook 'funning at the foot of Cornhill and when the City of London of to-day was little more than, first, a village then a very small town. A study of this souvenir, with its pictures and plans, gives a new meaning to such names as Bishopsgate, Ludgate, Newgatc and London Wall. The staff of Lloyds Bank are to be congratulated upon having prepared a souvenir in every way worthy of their institution and of the occasion which it