20 SEPTEMBER 1930, Page 32

Financial Notes


As I anticipated, markets after their vigorous spurt of some three weeks ago are relapsing into conditions of inaction with a rather dull tendency. Very curious and rather amusing stories are now circulated accounting for the big spurt of about a month ago when, it will be remembered that, to the (Continued on page vi.) Financial Notes (Continued from page 396)

accompaniment of rumours of a change of Government, Mr. Snowden's resignation, &c., itc. prices advanced in quite sensational fashion. It might not be wise, perhaps, to repeat all that one hears in the market concerning the origin and nature of these rumours, but one thing is fairly clear, namely, that public buying was not on any large scale, and during the past week developments have been of a character tending to further restrain Stock Exchange activities. The continued dullness of Wall Street has occasioned reactionary tendencies in the transatlantic industrial group, while unfavourable Trade returns and poor traffics have had a chastening effect upon English railway stocks, though at the time of writing there is just a small rally on the talk of further economies.