20 SEPTEMBER 1930, Page 28

II. M. L's Notebook (The Bodley Head, 75. 6d.) is

a con- tinuation of Mr. E. M. Sneyd-Kynnersley's previous volume of reminiscences. The life of an inspector of schools is con- ducive to the collection of good stories, and there are plenty, of which many are new to us, in this book, set in a framework of scholarship and good nature which is very attractive. We cannot refrain from quoting, as a sample, a story of Bishop Stubbs. He had been visiting Liverpool, recently divided from his See of Chester, and was telling the story next day : "I said, 'I always like coming to Liverpool ; I feel as if I was flirting with my deceased wife's sister.' They roared, and then they stopped ; then they roared again. Best joke I ever made in my life " * * *