20 SEPTEMBER 1930, Page 1

It must be remehibered that the 1028 Reichstag had Only-

490_ members_at..-its.. Japening. whereas, -the new

Reichstag will probably have 576. About 90 per cent. of the electors voted as compared with the 75 per cent. in 1928. We have discussed the election in our first leading article hut may add a few remarks here. The Centre is the only steady Constitutional party which has gained in strength and even it, owing to the increase in membership of the Reichstag, is relatively not quite so strong as it was. In the new Reichstag Dr.. Brfining's Government will be in a minority of 159. A Great Coalition of the Constitutional parties, even if it included Die Economic Party, would give Dr. Bruning only a majority of 29. If he brought the Fascists into his Government he would, of course, have to exclude the Socialists, but by creating a Government of the Right Centre he could rely upon a majority of at least 90.

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