20 SEPTEMBER 1930, Page 1

It seems to be quite clear already, however, that Dr.

Bruning will have nothing to do with the Fascists, at all events so long as they insist upon getting the control of the Ministries of Defence and the Interior and the Berlin police. The strong probability, therefore, is that Herr Bruning will try to co-operate with the Socialists. The Berlin correspondent says that Herr Braun, the Socialist Premier of Prussia, is ready to help Dr. Bruning on conditions. In the background there- is always the possibility, though a slight one, of the Fascists organizing some new dramatic "March on Berlin." That danger can best be evaded by promptitude in forming the new Government. If Dr. Briining should fail there are other available Chancellors. Herr Braun, for example, might conic forward though he is said to be disinclined

to do so. * * * *