20 SEPTEMBER 1930, Page 26

General Knowledge Questions

OUR weekly prize of one guinea for the best thirteen Questions submitted is awarded this week to Lieut.-Com. A. Townsend, "Novi-Sad," Larkstone Gardens, Ilfracombe, N. Devon, for the following :— Questions on General Zoology

1. What is the largest animal known ?

2. What phenomenon of marine life is never:found on the west coast of any continent ? 3. What mammal is toothless throughout life and egg-laying?

4. What animal structure is termed " Aristotle's-lantern " ?

5. What vertebrate animal lacks a specialized head ?

6. What animal has never more than ten functional teeth, eine of which may weigh over seventeen stone ?

7. What is the smallest British sea-bird ?

8. What is a Freemartin ?

O. What insect is capable of jumping well over one hundred times its own height ? 10. What group of vertebrate animals have no biting jaws ?

11. What animals possess a larger brain than man ? 12. What bird has a larger brain, in relation to bulk, than man?

13. What is the structure and function of a camel's hump ? •

• Answers will be:lotiiid on page .89i.