20 SEPTEMBER 1930, Page 3

Canon Newbolt We regret to record the death of Canon

Newbolt, of St. Paul's Cathedral, at the age of eighty-six. He had been at St. Paul's for forty years, and his death breaks one of the last personal links with the Tractarians. At Oxford he was inspired by Pusey and Liddon. When he was appointed to St. Paul's to succeed Liddon It was hoped that he would fill Liddon's place as a preacher, but to do that was scarcely possible as each had his own manner. Canon Newbolt, however, was a preacher whose eloquence and earnestness would place him very high indeed in any list. He was typically a Conservative High Churchman who, having helped to replace the services of the Church as he found them with a more sacramental idea of religion, desired no further change whatever. He frowned on the Higher Criticism and condemned all attempts to revise the Prayer Book, which Ise thought already authorized the services of which he approved. All this seems to say that Canon Newbolt was unbending, but all those who came into contact with him knew his extreme kindliness and his unfailing readiness to give help everywhere and to everybody so long as no sacrifice of his principles was involved.