The Minister of Transport and the Minister of Agri- culture
have yet to reply to the Liberal proposals for road-making and agriculture. If it is true that Mr. Lloyd George is pressing for a large increase of " small holdings," particularly of the sort that would provide opportunities for "family farming," it is good news indeed. The land is the most obvious place for fresh employment. But it must be admitted that somehow or other the prices of certain agricultural products will have to be regulated. In the end there may have to be a regulation of imports—not, we hope, by Boards authorized to purchase in bulk. Another point is that co-operation is essential for the success of small holdings. If the farmers cannot set up a co-operative organization voluntarily there will have to be compulsion. The Minister of Agriculture wants the right to use compulsion if necessary. Whether the threat will be enough we cannot say. We trust that it will be ; but, of course, it does not please either those who want nothing hut voluntaryism or those who want nothing but compulsion. * * * *