21 APRIL 1888, Page 15



have read with much interest the article on The Language of Animals" which appeared in your issue of April 7th. From it I gather that although no one can understand the talk of beasts and birds so as to be able to converse with them and establish a communication of thought, yet it is possible from frequent observations of the behaviour of animals when emitting certain sounds, to arrive approximately at the meaning of such sounds. Now, I have some knowledge of the behaviour of small caged birds, especially of bullfinches, and after reading your article, I feel somewhat puzzled to account for the uniform behaviour of various bullfinches under certain circumstances which I wish here to detail. Bull- finches frequently emit a peculiar grating, hissing noise, accompanied by flapping of the wings and ruffling up of the feathers, all of which signs would certainly betoken anger, and I have every reason to believe do betoken anger, when used against other birds, because under such circumstances, provided they can reach each other, a severe battle ensues. I have called this noise swearing. Now, there is no question of the fondness of my bullfinches for me, for I have possessed some that I could set free in the garden and call back to my hand at will; and yet I find that they frequently make this same noise at me, accompanying it by the same actions of menace. I cannot think that the noise then expresses dislike of me, for it is to me that any luxuries or joys of their present caged condition are due. Can it be possible that they use the same noise to me to betoken an entirely different sentiment from that which they feel when they utter it against their own kind? Thinking this may interest those of your readers who have given any thought to the subject of the "language of animals," I am writing this to you, Mr. Editor, trusting at the same time that some one who has had experience in such matters may be able to offer a satisfactory explanation.—I am, Sir, &c., The Temple, April 11th. C. S. COBB. [May not the bullfinches have a momentary tiff with Mr. Cobb P—ED. Spectator.]