21 APRIL 1888, page 2

The Debate On The Second Reading Of The Local Government

Bill this week was chiefly noticeable for a very able speech made on Monday night by Mr. Chamberlain, who professed a very strong general approval of the Bill, though objecting......

The Remainder Of The Debate, On Monday, Tuesday, And...

was chiefly occupied by a discussion of the licensing clauses. Mr. Courtney, however, urged his pro- posals for proportional representation on the House on Monday, and Mr.......

Mr. Goschen On Wednesday Made A Most Powerful And...

speech at Croydon, in the first half of which he pointed out that the Gladstonians, after accepting and admiring the County Government Bill, had veered round, and found that......

Mr. Peters, The Secretary Of The Workmen's Association...

Abolition of the Sugar-Bounties, has been successful in his action against Mr. Bradlaugh, the jury awarding him 2300 damages. The libel was contained in a letter addressed by......

Mr. Morley On Wednesday Opened A Liberal Bazaar At Darwen.

Referring in his opening speech to Mr. Bright, he told his hearers not to forget that Mr. Bright opposed the Factory Acts,—a line of attack which, curiously enough, was once the......

The Illness Of The Emperor Frederick, Of Course, Inter-...

European negotiations ; but it should be noted that Austrian and Hungarian papers are bursting with anger against Prince Bismarck. Their theory, evidently, is that he is selling......

The Foreign Division Of Mr. Goschen's Speech Has Been Little

noticed ; but we are concerned to believe that it was the most important of all. Mr. Goschen is not Foreign Secre- tary, but he has a singularly wide knowledge of foreign......