Some Hobby-horses. By C. A. Montresor. (w. H. Allen And
Co.) —Miss Montresor gives in this volume some instructions to young collectors,—collectors, that is, of such things as seals, crests, coins, and postage-stamps. All give......
We Have To Acknowledge Two Volumes Of Messrs. Triibner's...
Series,"—Essays Relating to lade-China and the Indian Archipelago. Second Series, 2 vols.—These have been reprinted for the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, from the......
The Ogla_nder Memoirs.*
THE author of the interesting writings called The Oglander Memoirs was a local worthy who, born in the Isle of Wight during the reign of Elizabeth, died there under the......
Has Philosophy Really Made No Progress Since The Days Of
Thales ? one is tempted to ask when one reads, in the April number of Mind, "The Conditions of a True Philosophy," by Mr. Shadworth Hodgson. This is, in reality, a capable......
Treatise On Chemistry. Vol. Iii., Part Iv. By Professors...
and Schorlemmer. (Macmillan and Co.)—Part III., which appeared in 1886, began the study of the aromatic hydrocarbons, with the constitution of benzene and benzene derivatives.......
Sir Hector's Watch. By Charles Granville. (w. Blackwood...
good specimen this of the fiction which relies for its interest on intricacy of plot. How a certain robbery was effected, and how it was found out, are the main incidents of the......
Practical Physics For Schools. By Balfour Stewart And W. W.
H. Haldane Gee. (Macmillan and Co.)—Practical physics may or may not be necessary for schools, but none can doubt the necessity for some knowledge of chemistry, however alight.......
Verner's Law In Italy. By R. Seymour Conway, B.a. (triibner
and Co.)—Verner's Law brought certain changes of s to v in the Teutonic languages, which were apparently irregular, to a law. Mr. Conway in this elaborate essay, one of the......
Current Literature.
Among American magazines, none has of late been coming more rapidly to the front than the Forum. Perhaps its editor is too anxious to make its title indicate its character ; the......
The Contemporary Pulpit. Vol. V. (swan Sonnenschein And...
glad to see that this excellent publication continues its useful career. Nine sermons are printed at length, all of them, we may observe in passing, by preachers of the Anglican......
Two Acts Of The Last Session Are Sot Forth And
explained in the volumes now to be mentioned,—The Merchandise Marks Act, 1887, in its Relation to the Cotton Trade, by Henry Lowndes Wright (J. Hey- wood, Manchester and......
The District Railway Guide To London. (a. Boot And...
is a useful book, printed in large type, but not too big to be carried in the pocket. It gives us maps of London conveniently arranged in sections, with a key ; and, following......
Two Books On Technical Subjects Are,—ligaments: Their...
by John Bland Sutton (H. K. Lewis) ; and Bright's Disease and Allied Affections of the Kidneys, by Charles W. Pardy, M.D. (H. R. Lewis), the work of a Professor at Chicago, and......