21 APRIL 1888, page 15

Letters To The Editor.

THE LIBERAL PARTY AND THE UNIONISTS. [To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—The letter of your correspondent, "A Unionist," is a happy illustration of the failure "to see......

The Language Of Animals.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] have read with much interest the article on The Language of Animals" which appeared in your issue of April 7th. From it I gather that......


MATTHEW ARNOLD. PAST in a moment ; passed away, The finest spirit of the day; Past in the full meridian sense Of masterful intelligence : 'The thought that struck—the wit that......

The Battenberg Princes.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Srn, — Will you allow me to point out some mistakes in the article on "Rank among the Royalties " P It is there stated that the Battenberg......


HOSEA BIGLOW'S LATEST WORDS.* THERE is always a dash of tremor, if not of fear, in the joy with which we welcome a new volume of poetry by a master who has moved our hearts and......