21 APRIL 1888, page 1

On Thursday, The Chamber Reassembled, And Passed Three...

It first, after listening to a speech in which M. Floquet declared that the Republic must defend itself against pretenders, and must delay Revision till dic- tatorship was......

General Boulanger Is Still Marching To His Goal. On Sunday

—after, be it recollected, he had proclaimed himself the enemy of Parliamentarism—he was elected for the great Department of the Nord by the amazing majority of 96,000 votes......

*** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In...


Mr. Goschen On Wednesday Made A Most Powerful And...

speech at Croydon, in the first half of which he pointed out that the Gladstonians, after accepting and admiring the County Government Bill, had veered round, and found that......

News Of The Week.

-E NGLAND is the poorer this week by a great poet. On Sunday afternoon, Mr. Matthew Arnold was in Liver- pool, walking with his wife towards the landing-stage, where he expected......

But Little Hope Now Remains For The Emperor Frederick. The

doctors differ as to the precise course of his disease, the Germans believing that the cancer is spreading lower down, while Sir Morell Mackenzie maintains that blood-poisoning......

Notice To Advertisers.

With the "SPECTATOR" of Saturday, May 5th, will be issued, gratis, a SPECIAL LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, the outside pages of which will be devoted to Advertisements. Advertisements......

General Boulanger Is One Of The Oldest Men Who Has

tried for supreme power in France. He was born in 1837, and is therefore fifty-one years old. His mother was a Miss Griffith, believed to have been a Welsh lady, and he is in......